On 22 July 2011 05:18, Stefan Bodewig <bode...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> From the responses in the Java5 thread I propose the following.
> (1) Release current trunk minus a few lines of code I already added for
>    initial Zip64 support plus some minor changes ASAP as 1.2
> (2) Require Java5, use minimal Java5 language features to make compiler
>    warnings go away, Zip64 and Pack200, maybe some other JIRAs,
>    release 1.3
> (3) Completely embrace Java5, use generics and enums, switch package
>    name to compress2 and tackle the backwards incompatible changes we'd
>    like to take.
> This is not a vote, yet, but if there seems to be consensus I volunteer
> to be the release manager of the next release and drive the process with
> a more concrete proposal for the 1.2 release.

Sounds good in general.

However, I'm not sure one can prevent the compiler warnings without
either adding generics or adding @SuppressWarnings to the classes
(which will later need to be removed, so any such additions should be
flagged as temporary). We shall see.

> Sure, I've never done any release in Commons before (or performed any
> release with mvn at all) so this may slow down the whole process by a
> few days and make me ask embarassing questions, but I think we can live
> with that.
> As far as timeline goes, I see the 1.2 release really soon as in "next
> week" while 1.3 probably is a few weeks of coding away.  Right now my
> available time comes in bursts and I have a pretty clear picture of how
> to implement Zip64 but cannot reliably estimate when it will be ready.
> Stefan
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