What is the license on the original Fortran code? On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 2:55 PM, Dietmar Wolz <drdietmarw...@yahoo.de>wrote:
> During experiments with space flight trajectory optimizations I recently > observed, that the direct optimization algorithm BOBYQA > http://plato.asu.edu/ftp/other_software/bobyqa.zip > from Mike Powell is significantly better than the simple Powell algorithm > already in commons.math it uses significantly lower function calls and is > more reliable for high dimensional problems. You can replace CMA-ES in many > more application cases by BOBYQA than by the simple Powell optimizer. > I would like to commit a Java port of the algorithm to commons.math. > I maintained the structure of the original FORTRAN code, so the > code is fast but not very nice. > Mike Powell offered his support: > "I would like BOBYQA to be used as much as possible. Therefore > I accept enthusiastically your suggestion that BOBYQA be made > available to the Apache user community." > > What do you think? > > By the way, I also contacted Anke Tröltsch regarding BC-DFO > www.cerfacs.fr/algor/reports/2010/TR_PA_10_70.pdf, which > also seems promising, but there is no decision yet whether > they will support a commons.math contribution. > > >