Hi All

Following the advice from the previous failed vote, I've rolled another RC for Commons Validator 1.4 beta 1. As per advice, this one was generated using Maven[1] rather than Ant. Just for a reminder, the idea of this release is to get some wider testing of the codebase, owing to the 4.5 year gap since 1.3.1, before we hopefully release 1.4 in a few weeks time.

(We believe the code is stable and release worthy, but we're being a little cautious with a beta first simply because of the gap)

The svn tag this was build from is:

The release candidate files are available from:

Specifically the release notes:
Source and Binary zips+tarballs:
And Maven artifacts:

I've tested with JDK 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6. The only difference to last time is the software used to build the release with.

I haven't generated a new version of the site as the release guide would suggest, because this is intended to be a short lived beta release. I would propose to simply update the download page to incude the beta release too, and then do a full site generation (as per the release guide) when we're ready for the final 1.4 release

Voting will be open for just over 4 days (or until a blocker is found...), closing 10am GMT on Wednesday 13th July. Please vote:

 [ ] +1 Release this as Validator 1.4 beta 1
 [ ]  0 I don't object to this release, but I haven't checked it fully
 [ ] -1 There's a problem with the release, and that is ....


[1] mvn package deploy -Prelease -Ptest-deploy

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