---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gavin McDonald <ga...@16degrees.com.au>
Date: Sat, Jul 2, 2011 at 7:16 PM
Subject: Reminder: TAC Assistance to ApacheCon NA 2011 closes July 8th
To: p...@apache.org

PMCs, please re-post this reminder to your user and dev lists and anywhere
else you see fit.


Hi All,

Just a friendly (and final)  reminder that applications for financial help
to attend
ApacheCon NA 2011 in Vancouver close this coming Friday 8th July (2200 BST :

Financial assistance is available for Travel (planes, trains, whatever) ,
Accomodation (at
the conference venue hotel) and Conference entrance fees. Dependant on your
circumstances will decide how much of that you would be given.

Please visit http://apache.org/travel for more information and a link to the

Remember: We DO help people get to ApacheCon and other Apache events every
we DO want to help people get there who otherwise could not, that is why we

Spread the word, you are welcome to tweet, blog, email, post, phone or smoke
to anyone who you think might benefit from attending ApacheCon this year.

Kind Regards,

The Travel Assistance Committee.

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