Thanks, all, for the great comments on the previous versions [1][2].
I have tried to incorporate them.

Revised Dormancy Policy

0) To move a component to dormant requires a VOTE.   A single -1
suffices to postpone the action; but a -1 in a dormancy vote is
really a +1 to help sustain or advance the component. Dormancy VOTEs
will remain open for two weeks.

1) When a component is voted "dormant":
    a) the main web site and site navigation links show the
component as dormant
    b) the component site and component JIRA page display a "dormant
disclaimer" (TBD)
    c) JIRA remains open (not merged into Commons-Dormant, but JIRA
project page displays disclaimer)
    d) svn remains open (but no release without a revival VOTE)

2) To revive a component requires a VOTE.  Any ASF committer interested in 
bringing the zombie back to life can initiate this action. Revival VOTEs
are majority rule.

3) Dormant status for a Commons component is not a substitute for the Apache 
Attic.  Components that we decide are obsolete or for other reasons are 
unlikely to ever be revived should be moved to the Apache Attic.  To retire a 
component to the Attic requires a vote similar to 0). 

votes, please.  This VOTE will remain open for at least 72 hours.




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