
yesterday i was doing some work with commons-cli and stumbled across
getParsedOptionValue in the CommandLine class.
Being new to this library i was very confused to always get a null value
instead of some string. The problem was that i didn't set the type in my
Option objects.
I would suggest to set the dafult type to String beause thats exactly what i
was expacting. I would have provided a patch but i was not sure where to
implement it (either as a fallback in CommandLine.getParsedOptionValue or in
the Option constructor).

Another thing i noticed were the Unit tests. In many test cases only
PosixParser gets tested, but this class is marked as depracated and the
suggested replacement, DefaultParser, doesn't get testet.
Seing this i immediately thought of the new Junit 4.x features Theory and
Parametrized Test which i wanted to test some time ago. So i ported the
Tests to Junit 4.x (using Junit 4.8.2) and rewrote some of them using these

public class ValueTest {
    private CommandLine _cl = null;
    private CommandLineParser parser = null;
    private Options opts = new Options();

    public static Collection<CommandLineParser[]> data() {
        CommandLineParser[][] data = new CommandLineParser[][] {
                { new PosixParser() }, { new DefaultParser() } };
        return Arrays.asList(data);

    public ValueTest(CommandLineParser parser) {
        this.parser = parser;

public class ApplicationTest  {
    @DataPoint public static CommandLineParser POSIX_PARSER = new
    @DataPoint public static CommandLineParser DEFAULT_PARSER = new

    public void testLs(CommandLineParser parser) throws Exception {

If there is interest in these things i would apply this to all test and
provide a patch for it.
Using Junit 4.x woud also remove the dependency to the junit-addons package
because ArrayAssert.assertEquals could be replaced by assertArrayEquals.


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