It's worthless unless we release it. :(

A similar example is that I don't see why we can't have lang4 code
appearing in the lang3 jar; and I don't see why we would have to be
backwards compat for the lang4 code while on the lang3 branch.

I agree it's novel, but lang is too core to other projects to not try
something :)


On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 8:34 AM, Stephen Colebourne <> wrote:
> I'd agree with an alpha area, but I don't agree with releasing it.
> [lang] is too core to other projects to be doing things like that IMO.
> Stephen
> On 7 April 2011 07:35, Henri Yandell <> wrote:
>> I've been pondering the tension between stability and innovation.
>> Once 3.0 is out I'd like to add an alpha subpackage:
>>  org.apache.commons.lang-alpha
>> It's specifically a location of code that is:
>>  a) Not linked to a version. When we move to 4.0 it does not change.
>>  b) Does not offer backwards compatibility. Classes move out of
>> lang-alpha and into lang3 (or lang4 etc).
>> Not all new code goes there, but much does. The 'contrib' package of
>> an open source project is an essential aspect of allowing the project
>> to innovate without burden. If I can convince us to achieve a goal of
>> frequent releases, we'll need to be able to release code that we're
>> not 100% sure about into our stable packages. It doesn't solve the
>> cataclysmic changes (moving to Java 5.0 for example), but it handles a
>> lot of items.
>> I'm not wedded to the alpha name btw; would love to hear of a better one.
>> A side effect that I like is that people can monitor the changes to
>> the alpha package to get a feel for what's coming/what's arrived.
>> Hen
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