---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Phil Steitz <pste...@apache.org> Date: Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 8:23 AM Subject: Re: So when will commons-io 2.1 be released? To: Gabriele Kahlout <gabri...@mysimpatico.com>
On 4/3/11 11:18 PM, Gabriele Kahlout wrote: > Hello, > > I'm looking forward to refactor dp4j.com to use [1] before releasing 1.2. > > [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IO-261 > Ask on Commons-dev -- Regards, K. Gabriele --- unchanged since 20/9/10 --- P.S. If the subject contains "[LON]" or the addressee acknowledges the receipt within 48 hours then I don't resend the email. subject(this) ∈ L(LON*) ∨ ∃x. (x ∈ MyInbox ∧ Acknowledges(x, this) ∧ time(x) < Now + 48h) ⇒ ¬resend(I, this). If an email is sent by a sender that is not a trusted contact or the email does not contain a valid code then the email is not received. A valid code starts with a hyphen and ends with "X". ∀x. x ∈ MyInbox ⇒ from(x) ∈ MySafeSenderList ∨ (∃y. y ∈ subject(x) ∧ y ∈ L(-[a-z]+[0-9]X)).