On 31 March 2011 00:22, Jochen Wiedmann <jochen.wiedm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 5:52 PM, Phil Steitz <phil.ste...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I disagree with this.  The most important artifacts are the
>> zips/tars that go to dist/.  These *are* the ASF release.  Nexus
>> makes it *harder* IMO to maintain provenance of these artifacts.
> These artifacts are present in Nexus. Pulling them to a temporary
> directory is quite easy with wget. At which point I can see no
> difference between your proposed solution and this one. And there's
> nothing to do for all the other files that live in Nexus (and must
> live, because Maven is just too important, whether we like it or not).
IMO, moving the non-Maven files out of Nexus is the main irritation
with the way it works at present.

AFAIK, wget alone won't do, as the files also have to be deleted.

Also, it would be best if that part of the process could be done from
the users system, rather than having to login to people.a.o and run
commands there.

If that could be automated, I would be happy, but would everyone else?

>> I also don't see why we *must* rely on proprietary software to
>> manage replication.
> I'm mostly with you on that. I strongly opposed choosing Nexus in
> favour of Archiva for that very reason. But we have Nexus now and I
> wouldn't want to have Commons a swimmer against the rest of the Apache
> tide.

AIUI Archive does not currently support staging.

> Jochen
> --
> I Am What I Am And That's All What I Yam (Popeye)
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