Please may I have your votes for Commons Skin 3 and Commons Parent 19? The two have to be tested together because Commons Skin 3 is referenced from Commons Parent 19.
If the vote for Commons Skin fails, then Commons Parent fails, but Commons Skin can be released without Commons Parent, so please vote separately for each. Thankyou! Note: to test this you need to change the POM to reference commons-parent 19. As this is not yet in an official repo, you will need to add the following repository definition to your settings.xml (and use the profile -PNexus): <profile> <id>Nexus</id> <repositories> <repository> <id>Nexus</id> <url></url> </repository> </repositories> </profile> Or you can add the <repositories> section above to your POM temporarily Or, if you have downloaded the Commons Parent from the SVN tag, just use mvn install. Maven artifacts: SVN and Commons Skin 3 changes (from 3) ========================= - commons parent 5 => 18 - added support for code prettify - site.css now uses relative url for referencing css files, so offline sites work better - added template to support trademark footer; also supports $relativePath resolution; adds TM overlay support; allows absolute URLs in banner elements Changes since previous vote: - smaller TM font - TM overlay now specified by property in pom.xml, not site.xml <custom> section - TM overlay is disabled by default Commons Parent 19 changes (from 18) ====================== - Apache Parent Pom 7=> 9 - maven-antrun-plugin 1.3 => 1.5 - antrun config: change deprecated <tasks> to <target> - site plugin 2.0.1 => 2.2.1 - surefire 2.7.1 => 2.7.2 - javadoc 2.5 => 2.7 - add AL header to site.xml - use local copy of commons-logo, rather than linking to commons.a.o - always use absolute link for http://commons.a.o/ - commons skin 2=>3 - added prettify css/javascript to improve source code formatting - license now points to as per branding guidelines - synchronise common menu items with commons-site - moved ApacheCon logo under ASF menu, and made it clickable - added trademark references to page footers Changes since previous vote: - TM overlay no longer added by default - the bareword "Commons" no longer claimed as a trademark - updated site plugin to 2.2.1 (2.2 is broken) PLEASE VOTE FOR EACH SEPARATELY Commons Skin 3 based on RC3 ======================= [ ] +1 [ ] -1, because: Commons Parent 19 based on RC3 ========================== [ ] +1 [ ] -1, because: Thanks! Vote will remain open for at least 72 hours. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: