On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 12:35 AM, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3 March 2011 23:42, Niall Pemberton <niall.pember...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 6:13 PM, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 26 February 2011 22:39, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Commons-build seems to be Maven1 code - is it still needed?
>>>> It does seem to be the source for commons-maven.css and perhaps
>>>> tigris.css, but otherwise does not seem to be useful.
>>>> Perhaps the CSS files should be moved to commons-site?
>>> I propose to move the xdocs/style/*.css files to commons-site - OK?
>> Why move them? Commons Site is working without them isn't it?
> Commons site is working currently because people.apache.org is acting
> as the storage for the shared CSS files.

Ah OK.

I wonder why we just didn't put that in commons skin?

I think originally we used to update the name of the ApacheCon logo in
the CSS. But then we changed the logo to a generic name
(current-event-125x125.png) and so we just have to replace the image
and not change the CSS.

If thats the case then it could go in commons-skin. However if we
wanted to change the CSS, then if its in commons-skin it needs a skin
& parent pom release - wheras commons-site its just a commit and

Sorry for thinking out loud, I think I agree with you.


> If the site ever had to be recreated, it would not be enough to
> redeploy commons-site and all the components.
> It just seems wrong to have the source for some of the key CSS files
> stored in an component that cannot easily be deployed (commons-build
> uses Maven 1).
> And even if one did deploy it, AFAICT the only useful output is the
> style directory - the rest seems to be old documentation that would
> then have to be overwritten by deploying commons-site.
> The reason I need to do this now is that I need to create a new
> version of commons-theme.css without the ApacheCon background logo.
> This will be referenced in the new commons-skin via the site.css file.
> I think it makes more sense to store the style files in commons-site,
> so they will be uploaded whenever the commons-site is redeployed.
> This will make changes easier going forward.
>> Niall
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