Hi Simone,

Currently validating an object is supported at borrowing and returning time.

In high throughput scenarios validating at borrowing time or returning time 
might be impractical. In that case validation am be done only in the background 

However, when catching an exception during the processing code, I would like to 
be able to return the object to the pool and do a validation (the reason for ex 
can be an invalid object)

This way I would reduce the validation overhead, and also the time invalid 
objects linger in the pool.


On Feb 2, 2011, at 4:09 PM, Simone Tripodi <simonetrip...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Zoly,
> nice to meet you and thanks for your collaboration!
> Sorry to say that honestly I didn't understand where the optimization
> is - please take in consideration I woke up at 6am and at 10pm I'm
> still working, ehehe :P
> So I would appreciate if you can provide more details about your
> thoughts so we can reason about it.
> Many thanks in advance, have a nice day!
> Simo
> http://people.apache.org/~simonetripodi/
> http://www.99soft.org/
> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 9:28 PM, zoly farkas <zolyfar...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Done:
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/POOL-183
>> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: Phil Steitz <phil.ste...@gmail.com>
>> To: Commons Developers List <dev@commons.apache.org>
>> Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 2:18:52 PM
>> Subject: Re: [pool] potential new method for interface ObjectPool<T>
>> On 2/2/11 1:46 PM, zoly farkas wrote:
>>> Would it be possible to add a method:
>>> void returnAndValidateObject(T obj) throws Exception
>>> In general I was thinking of the following use case:
>>> Object o = pool.borrowObject();
>>> try
>>> {
>>>     .........
>>>     o.doStuff();
>>>     .........
>>>     pool.returnObject(o);
>>> }
>>> catch(Exception e)
>>> {
>>>     // not sure what the cause is, let's make sure o is valid.
>>>     pool.returnAndValidateObject(o);
>>> }
>>> the reason is that validation in general is an expensive operation, and
>>> enabling
>>> it all the time is inpractical.
>>> any thoughts ?
>> Sounds like an interesting feature request, at least worth talking
>> about.  Can you open a JIRA so we don't forget it?  If you hold a
>> reference to the PoolableObjectFactory associated with the pool, you
>> can explicitly call the factory's validate method prior to returning
>> an instance to enable this behavior with the current implementation.
>> Phil
>>> --Zoltan
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