Commons Parent POM version 18 has been released to

This version allows Maven 3 and Maven 2 to be used interchangeably.

Changes since v17 are:

- Update to Surefire 2.7.1 (from the 2.5 default and 2.2 for the Java 1.3

- Update plugins for Maven 3 compatibility:
 - maven-site-plugin 2.0.1 -> 2.2
 - maven-project-info-reports-plugin 2.1.2 -> 2.3.1
 - Use maven-site-plugin 2.x with Maven 2.x and maven-site-plugin 3.x with
Maven 3.x. See

- Update the commons-parent POM to allow using the apache-wide "apache-
release" profile and still be somewhat commons compatible:
 - activate the "apache-release" profile when deployment is run
 - generate checksums when running install with the apache-release profile
 - generate a sources jar for the tests.
  (This should actually go into the Apache root POM).

  This should allow deprecation and subsequent removal of the "release" and
"rc" profiles from the commons parent POM in the long run.

- [COMMONSSITE-29] Use link in <reporting> configuration of the maven-

- [COMMONSSITE-29] added a java api link POM property that is configured in
the javadoc plugin.

- Updated maven-assembly-plugin: 2.2-beta-5 => 2.2

Gary Gregory

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