Hello to everyone,

Seeing the code in this package i agree that some more exceptions should be
created so as to cover cases such as the following:


>public double getResult() throws IllegalStateException {
>        if (resultComputed) {
>            return result;
>        } else {
>            throw
>        }

>protected void verifyInterval(double lower, double upper) throws
>        IllegalArgumentException {
>        if (lower >= upper) {
>            throw MathRuntimeException.createIllegalArgumentException(
>                    LocalizedFormats.ENDPOINTS_NOT_AN_INTERVAL,
>                    lower, upper);
>        }
> }

In these two cases the exceptions thrown are not covered by any class in the
org.apache.commons.math.exception package. As far as the result is concerned
the number of computations made should be defined by the user or should we
make it an operational requirement? By the last i mean that we can mention
to our javadoc that this calculation can be computed for 2 minutes at

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