This vote has passed with four +1 votes (four binding from [commons] 
committers) from the
following people:

Gary Gregory
Simone Tripodi
Sebastian Bazley
Luc Maisonobe


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gary Gregory []
> Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 15:20
> To: Commons Developers List
> Subject: [VOTE] Release commons-parent 18
> This is a VOTE to release commons-parent 18.
> [ ] +1: Yes
> [ ] -1: No, because:
> The changes since 17 are:
> - Update to Surefire 2.7.1 (from the 2.5 default and 2.2 for the Java 1.3
> profile.)
> - Update plugins for Maven 3 compatibility:
>   - maven-site-plugin 2.0.1 -> 2.2
>   - maven-project-info-reports-plugin 2.1.2 -> 2.3.1
> - Use maven-site-plugin 2.x with Maven 2.x and maven-site-plugin 3.x with
> Maven 3.x. See
> 3/maven-3.html
> - Update the commons-parent POM to allow using the apache-wide "apache-
> release" profile and still be somewhat commons compatible:
>   - activate the "apache-release" profile when deployment is run
>   - generate checksums when running install with the apache-release profile
>   - generate a sources jar for the tests.
>    (This should actually go into the Apache root POM).
>   This should allow deprecation and subsequent removal of the "release" and
> "rc" profiles from the commons parent POM in the long run.
> - [COMMONSSITE-29] Use link in <reporting> configuration of the maven-
> javadoc-plugin
> - [COMMONSSITE-29] added a java api link POM property that is configured in
> the javadoc plugin.
> Gary Gregory
> Senior Software Engineer
> Rocket Software
> 3340 Peachtree Road, Suite 820 * Atlanta, GA 30326 * USA
> Tel: +1.404.760.1560
> Email:
> Web:
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