Le 02/01/2011 20:52, Simone Tripodi a écrit :
> Hi all guys,
> I'm a big fan of how Maven manages passwords (en|de)cription[1] and
> found the algorithm implementation[2] on Sonatype's repo.
> Since the code is released under AFL2.0, what about including this
> algorithm in codec component?
> I can provide an implementation but Cipher interface is quite
> different from existing codec interfaces, since (en|de)cription
> methods require a master password...
> Thoughts?
> Many thanks in advance, have a nice day!

I think implementing this kind of feature would change the status of
[codec] with respect to export regulations in the US. As far as I know,
no commons component implement anything related to cryptography so we
can point people to a generic declaration we have already written
somewhere when they ask for our components status.

It may be good to add, but we have to think about it thoroughly.


> Simo
> [1] http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-encryption.html
> [2] http://svn.sonatype.org/spice/trunk/plexus-cipher
> http://people.apache.org/~simonetripodi/
> http://www.99soft.org/
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