How do I request a new enhance in BeanUtils?
I really could implement such feature.

2010/12/15 Julien Aymé <>

> Hi,
> you could see the issue BEANUTILS-304 :
> Or you could enhance BeanUtils class  by duplicating copyProperties
> method into a new copyNonNullProperties method
> (which would copy all non-null properties from src into dest).
> Then the merge algorithm would be something like this:
> Bean mergeInto = new Bean();
> BeanUtils.copyProperties(defaultValuesBean, mergeInto);
> BeanUtils.copyNonNullProperties(srcBean, mergeInto);
> This way, the new mergeInto bean will have all the non null properties
> of the src bean and the other properties of the defaultValuesBean.
> HTH,
> Regards,
> Julien
> 2010/12/14 Mateus Brum <>:
> > Is there some implementation of bean merge in BeanUtils?
> > If not how do I propose such implementation?
> > Thanks.
> >
> > --
> > *Mateus Henrique Brum*
> > *Desenvolvedor de Softwares Corporativos*
> > *NOVO CELULAR : (12) 8200-0919*
> >
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*Mateus Henrique Brum*
*Desenvolvedor de Softwares Corporativos*
*NOVO CELULAR : (12) 8200-0919*

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