Mostly we complain that we don't have enough reporting just yet.

But seriously, the long running programs in Mahout are almost all map-reduce
jobs and there is a fairly good framework for
progress reporting in Hadoop.  This includes normal logging as well as a
counter framework that allows code to drive status
counters in parallel out to a standard web interface showing the status of a

The only non-hadoop long-running job is the stochastic gradient descent
modeling stuff.  There, we use simple logging with
a list of tab separated values on a specially marked log line.   These can
be extracted using tail and grep to provide progress
plots.  The separation between status reports backs off exponentially so you
only get a logarithmic total number of progress.
The exponential constants are chosen so that no matter how long your job
runs, you get fairly fine-grained feedback relative
the total time so far and the actual back-off is adjusted so that each
reporting epoch comes out on an even multiple of
{1,2,5} x 10^p so that it presents a pretty picture.

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Phil Steitz <> wrote:

> On 11/18/10 7:17 PM, Ted Dunning wrote:
>> I really don't think that a general progress listener framework implies
>> this
>> clutter and for long running algorithms is
>> a very nice thing.
> I agree.  Do you have specific ideas on how best to look at this? What does
> Mahout do?

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