On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 12:10 PM, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If so, what about someone using Java 1.4 - can they update to VFS 2.0,
> but keep the FTP support from NET 1.4?
> Or will they lose FTP support entirely?

FTP support works without Net at all.  I just ran a test client and
excluded anything but the "core" from the classpath.  It used the
org.apache.commons.vfs.provider.url.UrlFileSystem to handle FTP URLs.
Here's the code (from a user's question posted a while back):

        String fileName = "CBCP.TXT";
        FileSystemManager fsManager;
        fsManager = VFS.getManager();
        UserAuthenticator auth = new StaticUserAuthenticator(null,
                "anonymous", "");
        FileSystemOptions srcOpts = new FileSystemOptions();
        String sourceDirAsString = "ftp://ftp.microsoft.com:21/MISC";;
        FileObject sourceDir = fsManager.resolveFile(sourceDirAsString,
                srcOpts); // HERE IS A HANG UP

        FileObject neededFile = sourceDir.resolveFile(fileName);
        System.out.println("Using file system type " +
neededFile.getFileSystem().getClass().getName() + "...");
        FileContent content = neededFile.getContent();
        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
        final InputStream in = content.getInputStream();
        int totalBytes = 0;
        int bytesRead;
        while((bytesRead = in.read(buffer)) != -1)
            totalBytes += bytesRead;
        System.out.println("Read " + totalBytes + " bytes from file of
size " + content.getSize());

Here's my pom.xml:

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0";




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