With Shane's permission, I am forwarding this so we can all join in
the fun :)
I have just started to review the material in the link below and I
think we are by in large in pretty good shape, but the main site and
some of the component sites may need some tweaking to make sure all
the links are there and the naming is correct. Thanks in advance to
all who have cycles to look at this, open JIRAs and make the fixes.
To avoid duplicating efforts, we should open JIRAs for each
problem we find. Thanks!
Dear PMCs:
To better showcase our projects and the "community of developers and
users" that all Apache projects belong to, please plan to implement
the new Apache Project Branding Requirements that the ASF Brand
Management team has published.
Since some of these requirements for project websites are new, and
many may not been clearly documented, it's expected that it may
take time for projects to update their public presence to reflect
the requirements. We certainly don't want to mandate technical
requirements to projects, but we do believe that having some
consistent elements and proper treatment of trademarks across all of
our project's sites is important.
<snip> Reporting instructions for PMC chair </snip>
Please email the tradema...@apache.org mailing list with all
questions or suggestions (please do not reply-all, since that may
include a lot of different p...@!)
<snip> Stuff on DOAP (already done for us) </snip>
- Shane Curcuru
VP, Brand Management, The Apache Software Foundation
bcc: board@
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