> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil Steitz [mailto:phil.ste...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2010 19:39
> To: Commons Developers List
> Subject: [dbcp] 2.0 prep
> I just created a dbcp 1.4 legacy branch, so we can now start work
> toward dbcp 2.0 in trunk.  Pool is already off to the races.  As we
> have discussed, I would like to start exploring bringing in the
> Tomcat jdbc-pool code, split somehow between [pool] and [dbcp].
> To get [dbcp] moving, I would like to make the following pom changes
> in trunk:
> 0) change the groupId to org.apache.commons
> 1) change the artifactId to commons-dbcp2
> 2) change the pool dependency version to 2.0-SNAPSHOT
> Both 1) and 2) may be controversial, so I want to allow people to
> weigh in before making these changes.  I know we like to avoid
> snapshot dependencies, but I don't see any other way to keep the API
> changes in synch.  Any better ideas?

[pool] v2 is going through discussions on this. [lang] v3 has already decided 
on this. Isn't there a way we can adopt a common approach? This is [Commons] 
after all... ;)


> Thanks!
> Phil
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