Why the affinity for 1.3?  Is it common for the platforms on which daemon is
run to be restricted to 1.3?
On Oct 16, 2010 9:21 AM, "Mladen Turk" <mt...@apache.org> wrote:
> BTW for the examples there's no version requirement, so
> you can use even java6. I don't care.
> Dunno if it's possible to have separate compiler settings
> in build.xml for that.
> Anyhow, like said. common-daemon.jar is 1.3.
> Everything else is sugar added, so irrelevant.
> On 10/16/2010 02:32 PM, sebb wrote:
>> The current build files (Ant and Maven) assume that the Java source
>> and target versions are 1.3.
>> However, some of the Java source files make use of methods and classes
>> that require later versions of Java
>> For example:
>> java.net.InterfaceAddress requires 1.6
>> java.net.NetworkInterface - 1.4
>> FileOutputStream(File file, boolean append) - 1.4
>> Arrays.copyOf - 1.6
>> java.lang.System.getenv() - 1.5
>> I think it's definitely time to abandon Java 1.3, and require at least
>> 1.4 or perhaps 1.5; but I think requiring 1.6 is too much of a jump.
>> Thoughts?
> Regards
> --
> ^TM
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