On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 3:06 AM, Niall Pemberton
<niall.pember...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 12:21 PM, Niall Pemberton
> <niall.pember...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 10:31 AM, Jörg Schaible <joerg.schai...@gmx.de> wrote:
>>> Hi Niall,
>>> Niall Pemberton wrote:
>>>> I have prepared Commons IO 2.0 RC2 for review (rc1 never went past the
>>>> tag). As there have been quite a few changes in the last week, I'll
>>>> leave it a few days before even considering whether to call a vote, to
>>>> give time for feedback.
>>>> The distro is here:
>>>>     http://people.apache.org/~niallp/io-2.0-rc2/
>>>> Release Notes:
>>>>     http://people.apache.org/~niallp/io-2.0-rc2/RELEASE-NOTES.txt
>>>> Site:
>>>>     http://people.apache.org/~niallp/io-2.0-rc2/site/
>>>> Maven Stuff:
>>>>     http://people.apache.org/~niallp/io-2.0-rc2/maven/
>>>> Some Notes:
>>>> * There is one error on the clirr report - which is a false positive
>>>> (a generic method that is erased)
>>>>     http://people.apache.org/~niallp/io-2.0-rc2/site/clirr-report.html
>>>> * Links to the JavaDoc versions on the site don't work (they will when
>>>> its deployed to the right location)
>>> Do you know why Gump is failing for "commons-io-test" since some weeks?
>> There has been more than one reason for the failures :(
>> Some times it was the FileSystemMonitorTestCase - which was also
>> failing in Continuum about every 3rd or 4th build. I made some changes
>> to that test and since then out of 43 builds it has only failed once.
>> The other main cause is FileCleaningTrackerTestCase throwing an
>> OutOfMemoryError. This was failing in Continuum and I made some
>> changes which seemed to have reduced the failures but there is still
>> the odd instance of it. Gump seems to be failing mostly because of
>> this now (although it is passing some of the time). This test tries to
>> fill up memory so that PhantomReferences get released - so thats
>> causing the OutOfMemoryError and is a problem with the test rather
>> than FileCleaningTracker
>> I have updated the following JIRA ticket with the history of Continuum
>> builds and the causes of the failures:
>>    https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IO-196
>> In summary though most failures are FileCleaningTrackerTestCase and
>> the problem is the test case.
> I've done some additional work on both the FileSystemMonitorTestCase
> and FileCleaningTrackerTestCase which I hope will get rid of the
> errors. Gump has been pretty much daily, so should have an indication
> soon. I have added the gump failures to the JIRA issue (from the mail
> archive) - can't tell the cause as theres no history AFAIK with gump.
>    https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IO-196

Continuum has now run 30 builds without failing. Since the failures
are intermittent, theres no guarantee that they won't fail again, but
I believe that with the changes I've made they will at least happen
much less. I put together the following page which shows the history
of Continuum builds, which test caused each failure and the related
changes I've made:


>From seeing Continuum failure emails, it may seem that it has been
failing alot - but I think that the above shows that this is now not
the case for the individual tests.


> Because of these changes I'm going to roll another RC
>> Niall
>>> - Jörg

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