> > The above method makes it look like CM is providing ways to make a
> > "patchwork" of messages in several languages at the discretion of the
> > component builders.
> More precisely it allows to choose the display language at run time and even 
> to change it at run time.
> It is the explicit goal of this method.
> The use case for that is a web application running on a server. Several 
> different users may connect to it and have different languages settings (one 
> french user and one english user for example). The messages should be 
> tailored for all these users. The proper settings is retrieved from the HTTP 
> protocol.

[But it is again something that I'd better see handled by a higher-level
component etc.]
> > Only the application developer should be able to
> > define
> > the language to use for displaying message.
> No. It's a user setting.

Of course. I meant that it is certainly not a library developer who should
set a specific Locale but the application, based on user input.


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