It is useful to be able to generate both the announce message and
release notes from changes.xml.

One way to do this is as currently implemented in Compress: add a
profile "relnotes" which overrides the changes template with the
release-notes.vm template.

One can then do:

mvn changes:announcement-generate  # => announcement.vm
mvn changes:announcement-generate  -Prelnotes # => release-notes.vm

The template is assumed to be in src/changes, but it would be better
if a shared template could be used, for example in commons-site.

Is that the best place for it?

BTW, in order to allow for different workspace layouts, the template
directory should be expressed as a property, which users can override
in their settings.xml if they need to.

To minimise the need for overrides, the default value for this
property should reflect a popular workspace layout. In my case
commons-compress and commons-parent etc are all at the same level, but
perhaps it is more usual to use some other layout.

[The idea would be to add the profile to the next release of commons-parent]

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