On 06/04/2010, Bruno Melloni <bruno.mell...@chickasaw.net> wrote:
> Thanks Phil,
>  My apologies on the missing [dbcp] prefix.  This is the first time I use the 
> mailing list and I followed the 'mailing lists' link from the DBCP project 
> without giving it much thought.  I didn't realize that the dbcp mailing list 
> was shared across all of the commons projects.

AFAICT, this is true of all the auto-generated mailing list pages,
including the commons-site one.

So it's not surprising that users often fail to use the appropriate prefix.

There does not appear to be any way to add any header text to the
mailing list report, nor to change the existing text.

As the mailing lists are shared, and changes are rarely needed, maybe
one solution would be to create an ordinary page on commons-site, and
link all the projects to that.


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