I have made my first attempt at updating the documentation here:

Given that the previous docs were so out of date as to be pretty
much worthless, I thought it best to push things along with CTR -
actually "PTR" (p = publish).  I am sure there are some errors that
I did not catch.  I would be most grateful to have those pointed out
or fixed directly.  The site is now generated from commons-site in
svn using m2 (no longer commons-build).

The process for creating artifacts and pushing them to the mirrors
uses the "manual" method (i.e., no release plugin) that Niall and I
use to cut releases. We can argue about whether or not that is the
right long-term direction, but I know this works and it is really
not that complicated.  I included some specifics, including scripts,
directory layouts, etc. that I use myself. I am certainly open to
changing any/all of this, as long as the result is a set of
instructions that are guaranteed to work.  I apologize for the fact
that the instructions are at this point unix only.  Once we have the
core content stabilized, it would be great to get either a Windows
version or interspersed Windows instructions produced.

One very important part that I have not really edited yet is the
section at the bottom of the "prepare" page laying out what to look
for in reviewing RCs.  It would be a *really good thing* if we could
lay out there all and only what we collectively deem to be mandatory
for RCs.  That would make it much easier for RMs and short-circuit
some discussions on what is a show-stopper and what is not during
release votes.  I am more than happy to document our consensus on
these things. Patches welcome!


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