----- "Dimitri Pourbaix" <pourb...@astro.ulb.ac.be> a écrit :

> Luc,
> > I think there are two parts in the isse.
> > The first one is related to sparse matrix and we don't have an
> answer
> > yet. The second part is related to compute a partial set of
> singular
> > values. This is used for example in image compression or to find a
> > matrix with reduce rank that is the closest possible to an input
> matrix.
> > for this part, we may have an answer.
> What do you mean by partial set of singular values?  If you mean
> setting
> all the singular values which are either below some threshold, of
> index
> above some value (rank), ... to zero and to compute the resulting
> product
> as an approximation of the original matrix, this is no longer the
> business
> of SVD but rather the user business as (s)he decides what (s)he does
> with
> the decomposition.  However, one could add a method to SVD which
> would
> return such a 'product'.

This is the business of SVD. See for example 
<http://public.lanl.gov/mewall/kluwer2002.html>, or 
<http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/~pch/Projekter/tsvd.html>, or even 
 and <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_value_decomposition#Reduced_SVDs>.

The point in these methods is not to have an exact representation of A = USVt 
but to truncate it in order to have a matrix A' with some interesting 
properties. If the initial matrix has a very large dimension, rather than 
computing the full decomposition and later withdrawing smaller singular values 
and associated vectors, we prefer to not compute them.


> Regards,
>   Dim.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dimitri Pourbaix                         *
> Institut d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique *      Don't worry, be happy
> CP 226, office 2.N4.211, building NO     *         and CARPE DIEM.
> Universite Libre de Bruxelles            *
> Boulevard du Triomphe                    *      Tel : +32-2-650.35.71
>   B-1050 Bruxelles                        *      Fax :
> +32-2-650.42.26
> http://sb9.astro.ulb.ac.be/~pourbaix     *
> mailto:pourb...@astro.ulb.ac.be
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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