Luc Maisonobe wrote:
> Hello,
> As you may have seen, I have implemented a new feature in [math] last
> few days. It is an extended integrator for ODE that in addition to state
> y() also provides its jacobians with respect to initial state dy(t)/dy0
> and with respect to some ODE parameters dy(t)/dp.
> The underlying algorithm is simply to extend the ODE problem with a few
> variational equations, so if you start with an y(t) state that has
> dimension 6 for example, and you have 3 parameters you will end up with
> a compound state that has dimension 6 + (6 * 6) + (6 * 3) = 60. One the
> state has been extended and the additional equations have been set up,
> the problem is a classical Initial Value Problem whci can be handled by
> all the existing integrators we have. So this feature consists mainly in
> a bunch of adaptor classes to perform the state versus compound state
> mapping. There are adaptors for the ODE problem, the step handlers, the
> step interpolators and the events handlers.
> For now, the implementation is based on a top level class:
> FirstOrderIntegratorWithJacobians and five interfaces:
> StepHandlerWithJacobians, StepInterpolatorWithJacobians,
> EventHandlerWithJacobians, ParameterizedODE and ODEWithJacobians. The
> user typically has to implement StepHandlerWithJacobians if he want to
> monitor the integration process at each step, EventHandlerWithJacobians
> if he needs to introduce some discrete event in the otherwise continuous
> integration process and either ParameterizedODE or ODEWithJacobians to
> describe the problem he wants to integrate. The
> FirstOrderIntegratorWithJacobians performs all wrapping by itself and
> mimics many of the original FirstOrderIntegrator interface.
> Another choice would be to remove the FirstOrderIntegratorWithJacobians
> class and change the adaptors classes to be user visible
> (StepHandlerAdaptor, EventHandlerAdaptor, ODEAdaptor). In this case, the
> user would need to wrap his implementations of the jacobians enabled
> interface into the adaptors and pass them to a classical integrator. On
> the one hand, this choice would remove duplication of the integrator
> methods in a separate class, and would allow better management of
> handlers by users. Users may also not use adaptors for step handlers or
> event handlers if they don't explicitly need the jacobians, using only
> the irst elements of the compound state without any data copyin. On the
> other hand it will force the user to add the adaptors Here are examples
> of user code in both cases:
> Current implementation:
>   FirstOrderIntegrator rawIntegrator = new XyzIntegrator(...);
>   ODEWithJacobians ode = new MyProblem(...);
>   FirstOrderIntegratorWithJacobians integrator =
>     new FirstOrderIntegratorWithJacobians(rawIntegrator, myProblem);
>   integrator.addEventHandler(new MyEventHandler(...),
>                              max, epsilon, count);
>   integrator.addStepHandler(new MyStepHandler(...));
>   integrator.integrate(t0, y0, dy0dp, t, y, dydy0, dydp);
> Implementation with public adaptors:
>   FirstOrderIntegrator integrator = new XyzIntegrator(...);
>   ODEWithJacobians ode = new MyProblem(...);
>   integrator.addEventHandler(new EventAdaptor(new MyEventHandler(...)),
>                              max, epsilon, count);
>   integrator.addStepHandler(new StepAdaptor(new MyStepHandler(...)));
>   StateAdaptor sa = new StateAdaptor(y0, dy0dp);
>   double[] y = sa.getCompoundStateReference();
>   integrator.integrate(ode, t0, y t, y);
>   dydy0 = sa.getDyDy0();
>   dydp  = sa.getDyDp();
> My current preference is to have visible adaptors. It seems cleaner from
> a design perspective, and not too cumbersome for users.
> What do you think ?

I agree with the current implementation choice among the two
described.  My only question - which I do not have an answer to as
this is way out of my domain of practical experience - is is there
an even simpler setup possible?  In any case, examples in the user
guide and / or class javadoc would be helpful.


> Luc
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