Build works fine on Windows 7 with JDK 1.5 and 1.6. Artifacts look good.
Minor nit: There are many findbugs errors, but I have not checked them
in detail. Probably not a blocker.
Am 18.01.2010 22:24, schrieb henrib:
Since there was only one +0 vote pending documentation updates, I went ahead
and published an RC6 correcting those.
So, this is now the vote for releasing Commons Jexl 2.0 based on RC6.
RC6 site is here:
RC6 staged artefacts (source, jar, doc):
[ ] +1 I support this release
[ ] +0
[ ] -0
[ ] -1 I oppose this release because...
Vote will close Friday 2010-01-22 evening (DCT).
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