Pawan Singh wrote:
> I am using PoolingDataSource. This data source does not seem to have a way of 
> shutting down.

Assuming you are using a o.a.c.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool as the
backing pool, you can hold onto a reference to the pool and call the
close method of the pool.


> -Pawan
> On Jan 18, 2010, at 9:44 AM, Phil Steitz wrote:
>> Pawan Singh wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I am using Apache Derby (embedded) and Apache DBCP to set up a nice pooling 
>>> data source. My question is how to close this pooling data source properly 
>>> when the application shuts down. If I am not using DBCP, I can make direct 
>>> JDBC calls on the Derby data source to shutdown the database - but I cannot 
>>> figure out how to do this when the data source is DBCP Pooled DataSource.
>>> The examples on the DBCP project page do not do any shutdown of the data 
>>> source at all.
>> Which DBCP datasource are you using?  If it is BasicDataSource, you
>> can use the close() method.
>> Phil
>>> -Pawan
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