On 14/01/2010, Phil Steitz <phil.ste...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Phil Steitz wrote:
>  > sebb wrote:
>  >> The method SharedPoolDataSource.getPooledConnectionAndInfo has the
>  >> following code:
>  >>
>  >>             synchronized (userKeys) {
>  >>                 if (userKeys.containsKey(username)) {
>  >>                     userKeys.remove(username);
>  >>                 }
>  >>             }
>  >>
>  >> Why not just use userKeys.remove(username)?
>  >
>  > That would work, other than other problem below.
>  >> What is the purpose of checking the map first?
>  >> Also, the keys used for userKeys consist of the username+password, so
>  >> this doesn't really make sense anyway - it will only remove an entry
>  >> if the password is the empty string.
>  >
>  > Yes, it should be username+password, so the code is really doing
>  > nothing now.  The concatenation setup, btw, is bogus as there is no
>  > guarantee that you won't have collisions.  Probably worth raising a
>  > defect for this.
> The username+password key was introduced in the fix for DBCP-8.  The
>  cleanup code was introduced in the fix for DBCP-245 (at which time
>  "username" by itself was the right key).  The fix for DBCP-8 makes
>  the lack of cleanup no longer cause the bug in DBCP-245 to manifest.
>   Should still be fixed, though.  I am on the fence on whether or not
>  to reopen DBCP-8. Likelihood of collision is low, but it is possible.

I don't really understand the code here, so I don't know why one would
want to keep a separate list of user keys.

It appears to be a cache for the UserPassKey objects, however a
maximum of 10 are ever saved.

Why not just create the UserPassKey object when you need it?

If different instances of UserPassKey object with same name/password
are not not equivalent to the borrowObject() method, what happens when
the LRUMap drops an entry, i.e. a new instance will be generated?

>  Phil
> >
>  > Good catch, I will fix the cleanup bug.
>  >> Note that the synch. block may still be needed, because
>  >> LRUMap.remove() - i.e. SequencedHashMap.remove() - updates the
>  >> underlying map and some other fields but is not synchronised.
>  >> Unfortunately the Javadoc does not say what the class invariants are.
>  >
>  > Yes the synch is needed.
>  >
>  > Phil
>  >
>  >
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