Here is the output from

I've rearranged it so the threads are in ConnectionStart order.
I moved ConnectionStart to the beginning, added the Thread number at
the end (dropping irrelevant stuff), and deleted the prefix
"ConnectStart: 355958"

7635. StartupDelay:  13. ConnectTime:   2. Runtime: 218.  1
7637. StartupDelay:   0. ConnectTime: 280. Runtime: 481.  2
7724. StartupDelay:   0. ConnectTime: 193. Runtime: 394.  4
7737. StartupDelay:  13. ConnectTime: 180. Runtime: 381.  5
7750. StartupDelay: 112. ConnectTime: 167. Runtime: 368.  3
7775. StartupDelay:  38. ConnectTime: 142. Runtime: 343.  6
7785. StartupDelay:  10. ConnectTime: 132. Runtime: 333.  7
7816. StartupDelay:  31. ConnectTime: 101. Runtime: 302.  8
7853. StartupDelay:  38. ConnectTime:   1. Runtime: 202.  9
7865. StartupDelay:  11. ConnectTime:  52. Runtime: 252. 10
7874. StartupDelay:   9. ConnectTime:  43. Runtime: 243. 11
7918. StartupDelay:  44. ConnectTime:   -. Runtime: 109. 12
7927. StartupDelay:   9. ConnectTime:   -. Runtime: 113. 13
7941. StartupDelay:  14. ConnectTime:   -. Runtime: 104. 14
7944. StartupDelay:   3. ConnectTime:   -. Runtime: 101. 15
7953. StartupDelay:   0. ConnectTime:   -. Runtime: 100. 17
7953. StartupDelay:   0. ConnectTime:   -. Runtime: 100. 18
7953. StartupDelay:   0. ConnectTime:   -. Runtime: 101. 19
7954. StartupDelay:   1. ConnectTime:   -. Runtime: 100. 20
7954. StartupDelay:  10. ConnectTime:   -. Runtime: 100. 16

It can be seen that thread 2 reaches the getConnection() method some
while before the next thread (7724-7637=87ms) yet takes longer than
any of the other threads to return from the method.

This could mean that there is a window somewhere in the code that
causes this thread to pause whilst others progress. There does seem to
be a problem here.

I need to do a bit more analysis on the numbers (and perhaps update
the debug) to see how the connected threads overlap.

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