Phil Steitz wrote:
> sebb wrote:
>> On 31/12/2009, Phil Steitz <> wrote:
>>> Comments have not changed sebb's -1, so I am going to consider this
>>>  a failed VOTE and roll another RC with documentation fixes already
>>>  made included and attempt at clearer release notes and README.
>>>  Thanks, all for review and sorry to take so long to get this right.
>> Please note that I am still seeing the occasional test failures (even
>> after the test bug fix).
>> As a result, I did not revisit the -1 for the compilation problems -
>> the test failure seems like a -1 to me as well.
> In that case, I am honestly inclined to just remove / disable the
> tests.  As I said before, they are fragile and frankly half-baked.
> Unfortunately, they did uncover a real bug recently, so I am of two
> minds on this.
> What is going on in the most recent failure you reported (line 376
> of TestPerUserPoolDataSource) is a ThreadGroup is started launching
> 2 * maxActive threads, all of which try to get connections, hold
> them for (sic) 1 ms and then release them.  MaxWait is 100 ms and
> maxActive is 10.   This "should" work as the effective throughput
> should be ~10 requests / ms (that assumes perfect efficiency and no
> execution time, which is not quite right), so 20 requests should
> complete in ~20 ms.

Sorry - that should be 2 ms.

  The test waits 100 ms.  Given the fact that
> perfect efficiency is obviously unrealistic, you can see that
> especially with bad clock resolution and poor thread management
> performance (Windoz is known for both), this is going to fail now
> and then. FWIW, I have not seen a failure on OS X or Ubuntu (as OS X
> guest) since sebb's last patch.
> Barring objections, I am leaning toward removing the tests.
> Phil
>> I hope to try and look at the failures again tomorrow.
>> It would be helpful if others could try running the failing test as
>> well (you'll need a script to do this as it only fails about 1% of the
>> time or less)
>>>  Phil
>>>  Phil Steitz wrote:
>>>  > Hopefully all problems with JDK versions and the site build have now
>>>  > been resolved.  As previously discussed, the only difference between
>>>  > 1.3 and 1.4 is that the 1.3 sources have been filtered to exclude
>>>  > JDBC4 methods.  Version 1.3 is for JDK 1.4-1.5 and only builds under
>>>  > one of these JDKs.  Note that to execute the 1.3 maven build under
>>>  > JDK 1.4 you need a 2.0.x version of maven.
>>>  >
>>>  > Here are the artifacts:
>>>  >
>>>  > 1.3 (JDBC 3) version:
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  > 1.4 (JDBC 4) version:
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  > Release notes (common version, ships with both)
>>>  >
>>>  >
>>>  > Votes, please. This VOTE will close 01-January-2010 03:30 GMT.
>>>  >
>>>  > [ ] +1 Proceed with release
>>>  > [ ] +0 OK
>>>  > [ ] -0 OK, but I would prefer...
>>>  > [ ] -1 No, showstopper = ...
>>>  >
>>>  > Thanks!
>>>  >
>>>  > Phil
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