Hi - this is my first email to the commons-math group.  I've been using 
commons-math for quite some time, but this is the first time I've attempted to 

I've added semivariance calculations to my local build of commons-math and I 
would like to contribute them.

Semivariance is described a little bit on 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semivariance , but a real reason you would use 
them is in finance in order to compute the Sortino ratio rather than the Sharpe 

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sortino_ratio gives an explanation of the Sortino 
ratio and why you would choose to use that rather than the Sharpe ratio.  
(There are other ways to measure the performance of your portfolio, but I wont 
bore everybody with that stuff)

I've already got the coding completed along with the test cases and building 
using mvn site.

The only two files I've modified is 
src/main/java/org/apache/commons/stat/StatUtils.java and 

Is this something that people would like added to commons-math?  If so, how do 
we proceed?

Thank you very much
Larry Diamond
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