Niall Pemberton wrote:
> ....
> I don't really under stand the "commons-parent pom is just above
> jexl's trunk" comment as in our subversion hierarchy its not *above*
> and the only way it can find it is by downloading/installing in your
> local repo in the usual manner - unless you've put it there
> specifically?
> ...
It is installed in the local repository but if I dont put it "physically"
above (../jexl where jexl is the trunk itself), the site is not generated
Niall Pemberton wrote:
> Also I don't understand what you mean by "...rc publishing fails later
> when the site is regenerated from what was published" - I guess this
> is using the release plugin? Or is it something else?
Correct, this is using the release plugin. In the publication process, the
uploaded source is re-downloaded, and regenerates the build (if I did
understand correctly). This regenerated build does not end up looking the
same because which I believe is caused by the failure to find the parent
There is actually a warning at the beginning of the build stating so.
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