Yes, that was exactly one of the planned "side-effects" :-). If some
distributions prefer to generate random data in another way, explicit
classes in the random-part must be made.

Yes, but I would like to avoid reflection if possible. I'll try to
have a go, and send the patch proposal to the list.

Cheers, Mikkel.

2009/10/27 Ted Dunning <>:
> That sounds nice.  It also means that more distributions are likely to
> benefit "by accident" even if they don't know to advertise what they can do.
> It is also plausible to use reflection at class construction time to
> determine whether the method is available.  That would let
> AbstractDistribution use the inverse distribution to implement a generator
> if possible.
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 3:58 PM, Mikkel Meyer Andersen <> wrote:
>> So the best might be
>> to put an inverse cd method at AbstractDistribution, and throw an
>> exception, because AbstractIntegerDistribution and
>> AbstractContinuousDistribution implements it. How does that sound?
> --
> Ted Dunning, CTO
> DeepDyve

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