----- Original Message ----- From: "Ted Dunning" <ted.dunn...@gmail.com>
To: "Commons Developers List" <dev@commons.apache.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: [math] Questions about the linear package

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 1:55 AM, <luc.maison...@free.fr> wrote:

we would provide a default implementation for these new methods, so if
someone did really create a class that implements RealVector, he would
simply have to say it extends AbstractRealVector instead. So there is a
clear gain to accept this kind of incompatible change as soon as 2.1.

What do other people think about this ?

I think that what you say is exactly right.

I'm +1 on this (including being willing to help). Like Luc, I don't believe that there are very many people implementing custom versons of these interfaces.

Perhaps we should also deprecate the gazillion maptXxx and ebeXxx methods,
I'm not sure.

I am on the fence on this.  I tend to prefer general methods such as Jake
describes, but I have also seen people be confused by them. I do think that a narrower interface is good along with an AbstractRealVector implementation
based on the underlying general call.  The general call should also
recognized some special cases and optimize them.

I'm +1 to deprecate these methods in 2.x, but -1* on removing them from the interface before 3.0. There is a high expectation for commons projects that you can upgrade to minor versions by just dropping in the new jar file.

*) This is a vote, not a veto (especially since I can't veto anyway).

What has been the adoption (within math or by rumour outside) of all of
these mapXXX methods?

Ted Dunning, CTO

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