Sorry for the question, but why we need a new *concurrent* utils in
commons-lang while we have  the concurrent package in Java SE 5 ?

On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 9:48 PM, Oliver
Heger<> wrote:
> In my day job I have written a synchronization primitive that may be of
> interest for the proposed concurrent package of the new version of
> commons-lang. I first want to check whether there is interest in this stuff,
> then I can talk to my employer about the code donation (which hopefully
> should not be a problem).
> Now to the synchronization primitive: It is a class called "LoadBarrier"
> that is somewhat similar to a semaphor in that it allows a configurable
> number of locks to be hold. But there is also a timing aspect: The limit of
> locks is enforced in a configurable time unit. If a thread requests another
> lock when the maximum number of locks is already reached, it gets blocked
> until the time unit is over. After that all blocked threads are freed and
> can again try to aquire a lock.
> The background of this class is that it provides an easy way of controlling
> the load produced by a process or enforcing a threashold. In our use case we
> had a background process running queries on a database for statistical
> evaluations. To ensure that the database load does not affect the system a
> LoadBarrier was used that enforced a limit of database queries per second.
> WDYT? If there is interest, I am going to address my employer and then
> create a JIRA enhancement ticket.
> Oliver
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