On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 10:54 PM, sebb<seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've finished the implementation of a basic Jexl ScriptEngine for JSR-223.

Cool, thanks.

mvn package failed for me (w/ Sun 1.6), committed fix in r799750.

I'll take a look at the code itself in a few minutes.

> Several items remain to be resolved:
> The current implementation only has direct access to the ENGINE_SCOPE 
> bindings.
> If we wish to give direct access to GLOBAL_SCOPE, how should this be managed?
> Perhaps use a name prefix to indicate that the variable is intended to
> be global?

No. The engine scope is nearest, so on read or update, check engine
first and global second. No prefixes.

> Thread-safety: is the interpreter thread-safe?
> If so, the getParameter() method in the factory needs to be updated.

null return is good. If conclusive evidence shows up otherwise, we can update.

> Is there an easy way to get the current Jexl version?
> If so, this needs to be added to the factory.

Not IIRC. Perhaps this should be added to JexlEngine (and the factory
would then use it).

> As far as I can tell, Jexl does not have built-in output statements.
> It might be useful to pre-define some variables to make this easier;
> e.g. we could define OUT as System.out, which would allow the use of
> OUT.println()

Sounds reasonable. But make the name obscure, OUT would be easily trampled IMO.

> N.B. This implementation is deliberately different from the one which
> is currently included in BSF 3.0 binary distributions.
> That implementation (from https://scripting.dev.java.net/) does not
> allow multi-statement scripts, and it's handling of variable scopes is
> a bit odd, as one can read/write/delete global variables, but not
> create them.

So, should be fun when services discovery finds both :-) Have you tried that?


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