On 21/07/2009, Rory Winston <rory.wins...@gmail.com> wrote: > (As per Nialls request, I have created a new RC) > > Tag: > http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/commons/proper/net/tags/NET_1_5_0_RC4/
NOTICE.txt has: Copyright 2001-2008 This needs to be updated to -2009. The first year disagrees with inceptionYear in pom.xml - one of these is wrong. "mvn test" shows some warnings: [WARNING] Using platform encoding (Cp1252 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent! The POM needs to specify the encoding. > Binaries/sources etc: > http://people.apache.org/~rwinston/commons-net-1.5.0-RC4/ Spurious file: *.bz2.md5 commons-net-1.5.0.pom.asc exists but there is no .pom or .pom.md5 Bad sigs: commons-net-1.5.0-bin.tar.gz.asc commons-net-1.5.0-bin.zip.asc etc. > Fixes: > https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&pid=12310487&fixfor=12312041 > > > +1 > +0 > -0 > -1 -1 > --Rory > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@commons.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@commons.apache.org