Pondering an idea of a Commons Time package that would sit on top of Joda Time/JSR 310. Lang's time package functionality would go in there, along with various enhancement ideas. The less core stuff than the JSR handles. Items like:
* DateSequence, which would handle an open issue [LANG-347] for a 'addWeekDays' type item. Rather than adding and changing the date, you would walk along the sequence and get the date. Or something. * RandomDate [LANG-350] * DateFormatUtils * DateUtils (definitely rewritten on top of Joda) * DurationFormatUtils (likewise) * FastDateFormat Probably not StopWatch. Anyway, pondering people's thoughts; plus any info Stephen might have on whether this is insane or not :) Hen --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@commons.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@commons.apache.org