Alec Swan schrieb:
Can the following be done with Commons Configurations?
1. Load defaults into a PropertyConfiguration object.
2. Load overrides into a Java Properties object. (Note that I do not need to
preserve the formatting of overrides.)
3. Iterate over the overrides properties and set values on corresponding
default properties by calling PropertyConfiguration.setXXX methods.
4. Save the resulting PropertyConfiguration object.
How can I make sure that the resulting PropertyConfiguration object
preserves comments from the original defaults?
From looking at the code I assume that setting the value of a property
removes the old comment, but I did not test this.
To avoid this, you can work with the PropertiesConfigurationLayout
object directly that is associated with the PropertiesConfiguration.
This could look something like the following:
PropertiesConfiguration config =
new PropertiesConfiguration(defaultsFile);
PropertiesConfigurationLayout layout = config.getLayout();
Now iterate over the properties in the overrides config and for each key
k do the following:
String comment = layout.getComment(k);
config.setProperty(k, <new value from override config>);
layout.setComment(k, comment);
I think, this should work.
On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Oliver Heger
Alec Swan schrieb:
I wrote the code following the example on
There is no save() method in CompositeConfiguration. How can I save it?
The merged configuration produced by CompositeConfiguration is only
virtual, i.e. there is no physical PropertiesConfiguration containing the
merged properties. It lives only in memory and cannot be saved.
I am afraid, Commons Configuration does not provide an easy solution for
your problem. You can copy the content of the composite configuration into a
properties configuration, e.g.:
PropertiesConfiguration propConfig = new PropertiesConfiguration();
But this will copy only the properties and not the comments or the overall
On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Jörg Schaible <
Alec Swan wrote at Mittwoch, 17. Juni 2009 18:39:
Thank you for updating the subject, Jörg.
I changed the order in which I add defaults and overrides. The following
is the new code:
// merge overrides with defaults
CompositeConfiguration compositeConfig = new
// convert merged properties to string
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();;
defaultConfig contains the following properties:
# A property
A = 1
# B property
B = 2
overridingConfig contains the following properties:
B = 3
I expected the merged content written to the writer to contain these
# A property
A = 1
# B property
B = 3
Instead, the merged content written to the writer is the same as the
B = 3
Could anybody tell me what's wrong with my code?
You saved the overridingConfiguration and not the compositeConfig.
- Jörg
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