On 17/06/2009, Jörg Schaible <joerg.schai...@gmx.de> wrote:
> sebb wrote at Dienstag, 16. Juni 2009 11:29:
>  > On 16/06/2009, Christian Grobmeier <grobme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  >> >>  Thanks for looking at these patch(es) :-)
>  >>  >>  Can you add svn props to the above files and fix your client config?
>  >>
>  >>
>  >> Yes, sorry. I have done so now and fixed all the files sebb suggested
>  >>  (checked it too with svn propset -R svn:eol-style native * )
>  >
>  > There will be some files that don't require eol-style native, e.g.
>  > binary files, and some people would also include .sh (LF), .bat/.cmd
>  > (CRLF) so it's not a good idea to force everything to native.
> There's the standard svn_apply_autoprops.py script that will set all files
>  to the properties defined in the autoprops section of your subversion
>  configuration. Unfortunately these settings cannot be shared, everyone must
>  configure his own subversion properly. IIRC we've somewhere for commons
>  such an "example" setup.

There's an example SVN config here:

linked from:

>  - Jörg
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