Great! I am forced to use JSCH for now, which is sufficient for my simple needs but there are many problems with that package (primarily in their attitude toward documentation and users) that an Apache Commons-Net release I'm sure would not have.

Shikhar Bhushan wrote:
On Wednesday 13 May 2009 18:37:09 Steve Cohen wrote:

I've been out of the FTP "game" for several years and now I need to get
back in.  I have a requirement to set up a secure FTP connection with
another organization, so naturally, I look to commons-net first as a
solution.  I notice that there is support for FTPS in commons-net but
not for SFTP.

Not being up on the latest buzz on this "controversy", I wonder if
someone can point me at a good discussion of the differences, why we are
implementing one and not the other, etc.

FTPS is FTP over TLS. SFTP runs as an SSH subsystem and doesn't share the commands or anything like that with FTP, so they are quite different.

I am implementing SSH for Commons-Net as a Summer of Code project. SCP is support is planned for the summer but not SFTP, but it should certainly lay the groundwork :-)



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