On 23/05/2009, Christian Grobmeier <grobme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Next dev. snapshot is 1.1.
>  >
>  > One has to wonder why we put the version number on the site :) It's
>  > completely meaningless and just leads to confusion.
>  >
>  > I think it dates in Maven from the notion that your site would be your
>  > documentation. However websites serve a completely different purpose
>  > from documentation so that died as an idea.
>  >
>  > We should stop including the version on the websites.

The web-sites still contain important information that is not readily
available elsewhere, some of which is also version dependent. If the
website always relates to the current SVN trunk, then that information
can be incorrect for the current release.

> I agree. I am also thining that a website can be deployed more often
>  than the artifacts are. What if I have new examples or new, in depths
>  tutorials? Do I have to wait till a next release?

There are some that say that one should do another release with the
updated information, but given that checking releases is
time-consuming I don't think that's appropriate.

>  Decoupling artifact releasing and site releasing could help

Agreed, but there are other ways to do this, for example using a
branch for the documentation and releasing from that.

>  Christian
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