On 18/05/2009, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
> I have finished working my way through the open POOL bugs.
>  Of the remaining issues, 2 are bugs that only affect the 2.0 branch and
>  rest are improvements.

Just ran Findbugs on trunk, and there seem to be some synch. issues in

POOL-136 and POOL-137 raised for these and another possible bug
noticed while investigating the Findbugs reports.

>  Given that Tomcat is waiting on a DBCP release and DBCP is waiting on a
>  POOL release I would like to progress a POOL 1.5 release asap.
>  Does POOL have a usual release manager? If so, do they want to do this
>  release? If not, I'll start working my way through the release procedures.
>  Mark
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