Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 07:23:50 +0100
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> From: Phil Steitz <phil.ste...@gmail.com>
> Can you explain - maybe in the JIRA - what the problem is here and how 
> the change fixes it?  I see there is a problem, but I am missing 
> something on the resolution.
Will do.

> Also, I think the first _numActive-- needs to be guarded by a 
> decrementNumActive test, else when addObjectToPool is called by 
> addObject, you will incorrectly decrement the active count.

>   The fact 
> that no test failed after this change means either 1) I am missing 
> something or 2) we are missing tests on how addObject works with _numActive.

or 3) I shouldn't commit late at night after a long day as I might not run the 
unit tests correctly and might miss a bunch of failures. :)


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