Hi Dan,

yes - I would wait for another 24 hours and then check with, mhmm. The
last two times I directly contacted Carlos Sanchez but I'm not sure if
this is the official way of doing that (probably not)

Some ideas ...

1) file permissions - are the file/group permissions correctly set?
2) is your PGP key uploaded to the key server?
3) is your PGP key listed in KEYS?

2) + 3) are unlikley to be the cause but wanted to mention them
(otherwise Henk Penning send you friendly reminder)


Siegfried Goeschl

Dan Fabulich wrote:
> dbutils shows up here:
> http://people.apache.org/repo/m2-ibiblio-rsync-repository/commons-dbutils/commons-dbutils/
> But not on central:
> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/commons-dbutils/commons-dbutils/
> It's been more than 24 hours now.  Is this cause for concern?
> -Dan
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