sebb wrote:
On 04/04/2009, Phil Steitz <> wrote:
sebb wrote:

On 04/04/2009, Phil Steitz <> wrote:

Luc Maisonobe wrote:


A lot of work has been done on [math] last months.
There are 9 issues still open in Jira with a target set to 2.0. Some
them have already been almost processed, some could be finished soon,
some could be postponed to 2.1.

What do you think about preparing to release 2.0 in the next few weeks
I volunteer to do the realese work. For those of you who have taken
burden of the remaining issues, do you intend to complete your work on
them or do you prefer I assign them to me and close what I can do ?

 I am +1 on pushing out 2.0.   Here are some comments on the issues
to me.  My geologic-time progress is unfortunately not likely to improve
over the next couple of weeks, so I am more than happy to let others

Math is now dependent on Java 1.5 (according to the pom), but there
seem to be quite a few missing @Override annotations. There are also
some raw types. Of course these are not essential, but they would

 I don't see either of these as essential and regarding the raw types, I
would prefer to limit the changes that are not backward-compatible.

What do you mean by backward-compatible here?
Do you mean compile-time or run-time?

Both.  I want to minimize the impact of the upgrade to users.

Also, what about thread-safety? There are a few Synchronized classes,
which are presumably intended to be thread-safe. I'm not sure it's
particularly necessary to have thread-safe Math classes, so long as
the classes are not thread-hostile (there's at least one such; I'll
file a JIRA shortly), but it would be useful to document which classes
are which.

 +1 to add general comments to user guide and web site.

I'd like to see the individual class Javadoc include the details as
well, but that could be added in due course as it will take a while.

 MATH-207 - I am close to committing David's great patch with only minor
modifications and that should make us pretty much complete from code
perspective for the initial genetics release, modulo comments on the API
that may still come in.  What will remain on this is user guide update.
Patches welcome!
 MATH-114 - User guide update is all that remains.  I should be able to
 MATH-136 - I would like to get this in, but there is some work
+0 to moving to 2.1
 MATH-169 - pushed to 2.1

 I will look at MATH-197 if Brent does not catch this.

 MATH-194 is a can of worms that we should collectively open and clean
 I suppose I should open an issue to track it, but the general problem
the multiple regression API being incomplete and the GLS class being
numerically suspect makes me think we may want to hold at least the GLS
class from the release.  I will see what I can do.  I am leaning toward
flattening the hierarchy, adding some basic stuff to the OLS class and
releasing just that class.  I will start a separate thread on this issue
when I have a plan.

 Thanks for volunteering for the RM duty!



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